Thursday 15 July 2010

Letter to Parents & Blog Access

Hi All

If your reading this blog post it probably means you have got the letter sent out with the children on 15th July 2010. I will attempt to add these Newsletters to this blog so you can access them for reference in future, in the mean time here is an update on school access.

I will be a key holder for the school over the summer holidays. The school will be arranged so we have the use of the main classroom / dining area for activities and meetings, and have use of the toilets.

This will provide us with a great facility to hold events over the summer, no need for an event to be a huge affair, a one day summer football tournament could be held, a children's (or adults) 'its a knockout, or sports day and BBQ....

Big thing is for us to use the school facilities through the summer holidays, and if you can take photos I can put them on the website (photographic approval of parents will be required), to promote community use of the school further.

Thanks for reading, and contact me if you have an idea, or want to use the school for an activity!


Monday 12 July 2010

Introduction to Ysgol Betws GG Community Blog

Hi Guys

Ysgol Betws GG has been for many years the focus of our community.

This Blog aims to offer the Community a communication 'HUB' to support the existing community activities run from the school, such as the football leagues and children gardening club, and to promote and support new community activities.

If any one wants to use the school for community activities, feel free to use this blog which I will check regularly, or call me on 07810 876 708. Following the recent parents meeting a number of activities have been suggested, these include:-

- Spoken Welsh Classes
- Book Club
- Basic Computer Users Club
- Adults Gardening Club

Any other ideas will be welcome. We are organising key holders this week so the school can be used over the summer break, so no need for everything to stop during the holidays, in fact its important that we do use the school during the holidays as a community.

If you know someone who does not have access to a computer to look at this blog, keep them posted on anything you feel they would be interested in. The more we can use the school as a community the better.

Thanks, and keep looking at the blog for latest news on Community Activities at Ysgol Betws GG

Graeme Lewis